
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2018

With time to time Hazrat Hakeem Sahib held different conventions with the residents who spent Ramadan in Tasbeeh khana, in which people described their spiritual or medical observations without any hesitation, all of those experienced secrets of hearts are being published for the benefit of Ubqari readers.

FOR THE WEAK EYESIGHT: A Sahib stood to tell his observation in congregation held after spiritual lecture in Ramadan and said: The eyesight of my left eye was weak to 3.5. I checked it at 2nd of Ramadan. The mirror was broken and now it became 2.5. I use this prescription that after offering prayer I apply مسواك at my both eyes, with the blessing of this مسواك my weak eyesight became less one number. My age is 61 years.


PATRIMONIAL GLASSES BROKE! EYESIGHT BECAME PERFECT: A person told that:  Heat up fennel in the pan and squeeze it in a pot, its upper lamina will be off. A thin grain like rice will get out which is called rice of fennel, grand it. Take equal quantity of glucose and rice of fennel and mix both, two tables spoon for the elders with milk and one tea spoon for youngers with milk. Don’t add sugar in milk, due to this digestive system becomes good. If the palms of hands and foot are burned, they will be alright and eyesight gets perfect. Continuously use three months for children. My nephew had patrimonial glasses from his father. Those lineal glasses finished and eyesight became alright. Take one chitank of fennel and grind it and get out its rice and grind them and add it in equal quantity of glucose and put it in the box. And elders and children use it as the way written above.

THE END OF MASSONS FROM THE NECK BY USING LIMESTONE: Respected Hakeem Sahib! There were masons at my neck. I cut it by using razor from the barber but no vain. I took limestone from the Paan (پان) seller (that they apply on the پان), I applied it at my masons with the match stick for few days. I saw after sometime the place became red and after sometime the marks were disappeared and now there is no mark.

THE ANXIETY OF HEART PATIENT ENDS WITH PRESCRIPTION: My father in law is patient of heart and his pumping is very less, due to this he can’t sleep and remain anxious all the time. For this we used a prescription told by Hakeem Sahib in the Ramadan Kareem.it is that, mix one chitank چھٹانک of Basil seed or Chia and tragacantha gum. Take one spoon and soak it in cold milk for 5 to 10 minutes in summer season, the mix it and drink. Or soak it at night; drink in the morning by mixing it well. With this if you add on spoon of Mashroob Ubqari in it and drink it then it will be icing on the cake. A very delicious drink is ready. We used this drink to him now he can sleep well and anxiety ends too.

SHEIKH UL WAZAIF TOLD EASIEST TREATMENT OF URIC ACID: A disease called Uric Acid causes pain in the body. The stomach gets unbalance with doctor’s medicine, so there is a prescription for this, Allah Who cures: Chia ( which is called پبری  Tulsi) in Arabic it is ریحان Basil, grind it leaves like mint, eat it with the meal 5 to 7 days. Insha’Allah uric acid will end. Make it by adding a pinch of salt and pepper. If you have green chili, then add it also. Body and joint paint ends.

MY FATHER HAS DIABETES WOUND AND URIC ACID PROBLEM OF FRIEND:  Respected Sheikh ul Wazaif! My father has diabetes. Sometimes his foot injures and it gets wound too. He uses ginger with the meal. With ginger, the back pain gets less and the wound heals too. Another prescription of mine is in my experience, I have a friend. He had pain in his kidney and had problem of uric acid also, there was constipation problem. I gave it kehwaa of tea leaves and didn’t add sugar in it. He drank and his urine problem and kidney pain became finished.

USE EGG WHITE FOR CHILDREN’S DIARRHEA:  Respected Hakeem Sahib! My wife is taking care of my granddaughter. When she was one year old then she started dentition. She caught with diarrhea too. We became worried and got her to the doctor. He wrote medicines of almost 1200 rupees. We used it but in vain. My father was Hakim, I remembered suddenly. Whenever the child faced this condition he took out the white part of two eggs and added water in it, beat it well until foam was made, he repeated the process three times. The water which was remained third time, he gave this to the children gradually. The diarrhea of children became alright. We tried this prescription and the baby girl became fit and healthy.


BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR BLOODY HEMORRHOIDS: Respected Sheikh ul Wazaif! I have best prescription for bloody hemorrhoids. Allah Who cures: Take red Alum (remember alum is of two kinds white or red), make powder of red alum and take one tea spoon of that powder, then drink one glass of milk with it. You will get rid of bloody hemorrhoids for lifetime. I have tried this prescription on many people. Alhamdulillah all have become alright.


*Nabwi herbs, precious fruits full of vitamins, sea shell and such herbs are added whose one dose gives freshness in health.*Special care of heart, brain and liver.*An experienced solution of all the weaknesses of boys and girls.* If there is lack of feminine beauty, thin cheeks, not well shaped body, only treatment is Akseer ul Badan.* The people who have weak memory, fear of exam, or the ones who do mental and physical work make partner to this medicine and get success everywhere*Restore the male power from some dozes.*Make brain, heart and liver more powerful.*If  there is typhoid fever or weakness after the fever use this medicine in Ramadan and see the result. (Price just 300/- rupees only except delivery charges or postal charges)


THE PERSON WHO WAKES UP EARLY---! The person who wakes up early, no one can stop him to become wealthy. (SHEIKH UL WAZAIF (





THE BEST THING FOR EYESIGHT: I read this prescription in Ubqari that Barberries Vulgaris زرشک شیریں is amazing for weak eyesight, nerves weakness and for those whose liver doesn’t make blood. I myself used it and told many people and got fantastic result. The way of using it is that take one spoon of barberries vulgaris with milk in morning, chew it well. Likewise take one spoon of barberries vulgaris with milk in evening, and chew it well. It is the best thing for the eyesight and nerves.

TRY THAT PRESCRIPTION IMMEDIATELY IF WASP OR FLY CUTS YOU: The one who is cut by wasp or fly, apply well iron or anything made of iron like knife at the affected place. After 3 or 4 minutes there will be no pain or mark Insha’Allah.

LINEAL HEMORRHOIDS ENDS IN THREE DAYS: In our family, hemorrhoids are a patrimonial disease. My aunt is almost 70 years old. She is an old woman and had hemorrhoids. I gave her ‘Rohani Phakki”. She ate equal to gram for three days. Her hemorrhoids disease ended.

SUDDENLY THE STOMACH PROBLEM IS ENDED: Respected Sheikh ul Wazaif! My alliance with Ubqari made in 2010. Before this, my friend had pain in stomach; we sat together and couldn’t understand what should do. Suddenly, an idea came in my heart that we heard from elders that turmeric and cumin are good for stomach. I made mixture of a little bit of turmeric and little cumin equal to nail and gave it to my friend to eat. His stomach ache became aright within ten minutes.

THE TREATMENT OF ANXIETY AFTER AFTAR: Often people drink cold water after aftar. Due to which gastric problem, irritation and those burps that now you will vomit. Hakim sahib I read a prescription in Ubqari of Chia and دیسی شکر, sugar. I started drinking that and drink that syrup in aftar. The benefit I got from this that neither there is evaporation nor vomit, and no irritation in stomach. The person feels fresh. I was lazy and sleepy in traweeh, now I remain active. Recipe: Make drink of five spoons brown sugar and one spoon chia, soak it in one liter water in morning and use it in aftar.

GO TO PAAN پان MAKER IF YOU HAVE ULCER IN MOUTH: some people have mouth ulcers in summer season especially in Ramadan, they do not cure by somogel etc. By applying catechu (kattha کتھا) on ulcer in mouth taken from paan maker will end mouth ulcer. I have experienced it also.

MY LIFE’S UNFORGETTABLE INCIDENT: Sheikh ul Wazaif I listen your lectures with great interest, I was listening to your lecture today after traweeh then this incident came to my mind which is unforgettable moment of my life.

Voluntarily, I gave lectures of Islamic Studies in four high schools in Canada. I didn’t get pay for this. Yearly, there were eight lectures of mine in a high school. I had to give information about Islam that what is Islam. When it was my second lecture, I gave lecture of twenty five minutes and gave five minutes to ask any question if they want. I didn’t know that what questions students ask but there was a student his name was Mark Louis, a boy of 17 or 18 years old, he was the student of A levels. He said to me that when there is dinner in our school the Muslims don’t eat pork meat. The time when your Holy Prophet started to preach, there wasn’t any veterinary doctor. Secondly, there was no refrigerator. Now the veterinary doctors, they check whether it is a diseased meat or not, they pass it and stamp it. Then this pork meat is sold at the shops. Then, it is put in the refrigerator. Why your children don’t eat? I heard his question. Immediately, Allah put this in my mind, I said: the things that a person eats, your nature gets change accordingly, I said: see who eat vegetables; commonly it is famous for them that they don’t fight and who eats meat do wars. See in your history I said. The Europeans fight after every twenty five years, now the United Nations have been made so you don’t fight. See the history that every country of Europe starts fighting after very twenty five years. Then, wine is also a food, when you drink wine you abuse others, starts to fight. I said: if you want to see come to the hospital, in which I do my duty, in the morning at least 15 to 20 such women come whose place near the eye gets blue, when I questions them or asks that what happened, the woman says that his husband was drunk last night I talked to him, he punched me in anger and my eye is swallowed. Then I said that by eating these things your character changes. Your thinking changes, that’s why the people who will eat pork meat, those habits will produce in character. First, he eats shit and you will also don’t abstain from doing shitty things. Secondly, pig is the most shameless among all animals due to his lust or sexual urge (further explanation can’t be described here), see all the remaining animals of the world, if another animal comes to his soul mate, he is ready to fight with that other male animal, that she is mine, while pigs don’t do this. I said the people who will eat pork meat; firstly they will not hate dirty things and secondly, all the bad habits of pig produce in their family. That’s why, divorce problems will increase in your family, the shamelessness will touch its extremity, there will be fights, and social welfare department will work for 24 hours, all your problems will not be finished yet. When I have talked all about this I said if you don’t have trust on me, then there are farmers of Bradford go to them and say to them what Mr.Hayat has said whether its correct or not and if he says no then give punishment what you want…


*Effective course for the people suffering from eternal flu and allergy. * If you are worried from fall of hair and white hair, weak brain and memory , then this course will not make you hopeless.*Continuous use of this course definitely ends all the above diseases.*Eternal flu, allergy, growth of nose bone, closed nose, skin problems, for all these “ALLERGY, SNEEZING, ETERNAL FLU, GROWTH OF THE NOSE BONE (COURSE) is experienced and effective.

(Price 600/-rupees only except post charges)


One Lack of  good deeds and high Places: Person who recite Third Kalma 01 time will receive 01 lack good deeds And 01 lack of his bad deeds will be finished and 01 lack ranked become higher.  70% reward is increased in Ramzan Ul Mubarak

 Grind it and mix it with Mustard Oil and make a paste of it and save it. If somebody have any inside injury or injury on bone or it’s a swelling, apply this paste Insha’Allah it is very effective with in 2 to 03 weak the user will be fine and recover.

For Constipation and Stomach gastro In Ramzan Ul Mubarak:


 Take 02 0r 03 pieces of Harar Muraba before to go to bed and eat them and it is very effective for constipation and stomach gastro and it is proved by me also.

01 Herb and Countless Benefit:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! There is herb found in our area is called sumbol and Sumbolo. It found in our area of Mansherah Mountains. It gives fruit also. Hazrat Sahib Asked is it off Black color? Yes Hazrta Sb This black fruit is as “Zarshik” which is used in treatment of Hepatits for used eyes sight. It’s a food of eagle and can see his array from far away. Take out its roots, peal it off which is known in Punjabi as “Sauk” and dry it then keep it after grinding used 01 table spoon with a glass of milk. Milk should be pure and mixed with water. It brings to much strength in body and make the backbone as strong as iron. It is also found on the shops of druggist which is found from druggist and the you yourself find there is a help of differenc,  which is found from druggist. They did not take all mooas from it, secondly they used branches and take of leaves and wood is also with it only roots cover should be used and it has a season in which roots can be taken and eat an autumn season only. Meaning that in between of autumn and spring the roots of this tree should be taken out in this season. It is more useful if its root are taken out in the beginning of spring. Only take the jar skull and dry it, grind it and save it in some box or another effective use is this take 02 kg of milk and make it half by boiling then use with this milk. Its strength the broken bones, the sunbul is very use full. It is best tonic for blood filtration. Especially take care of it that it should not be use d in summer season. If you want to use it in summer then use in after gaps of 05-07 days not regularly. In winter if you use it continuously for 01 weak, if 10 days it will be very beneficial strength to muscles, bones and backbone. Hearing this Hazrat Hakeem sahib said He told use something excellent  that actually in autumn all the leaves of tree fell down and then tree save its energy in its roots them. Now try to understand the point all its energy is preserved in roots and when plants grow it gets it all energy from roots to grow. Simililary the child get energy from his mother in her tummy and then grow.

The Benefits of Soombaloo:  

There was a boy lived in our village he became victim of cancer and doctors declared that he would die after 06 months. His father started to feed him Sombolo after grinding. After o1 months he was perfectly all right. When they took him to the doctor, doctor asked what you gave him. He is perfectly alright. They answered “Soomboloo”

Tea of Rattan Jao and the closed walls of heart opened:  

There Is an herb named “Rattan Jao”. It’s very effective for closed heart valves. Take tea of rattan Jao for 02 to 03 cups in a day. It will be very effective for heart. Last Year 01 of my relatives had operation in CMH. He might came to meet all his friend and his relatives and said there is no surety of life. May be we meet next time or not. At night he did not feel well and asked for tea from his wife. The wife made tea of this herb “Rattan Jao” and keep it in themes.  He took 03 -04 cups of it and in the morning he feel quite better. He could not ascend. He went to ayubia himself and reached at high place he said I am perfectly alright. When he went to CMH to his dropper for checkup, he told to the doctor that I walked so long up to the high place and I am alright. What is the reason? The doctor examined him in detail and told him your heart valves are opened. The doctor asked what did you do he answered nothing just took the tea of herb “Rattan Jao” it’s proven by me whenever I feel pain I take this tea. Our forefathers also used this tea and get benefits of it.

RECEIPE: Take 01 cup of water and add 01 0r 02 spoons of Rattan Jao in it. Boil it and make its tea.

If your feet are smelly / stinky then:  

Often people used to were socks whole day, when they take off their shoes there is a stinky smell from their feet’s. When you take your shoes in the evening just was your feet with the water mixed “Phatkri”. Insha’Allah their smell will be off forever.

Accepted Islam due to Meswak:  

In France and Jordan, doctor worked . He used to keep maswak in his pocket. A French doctor asked him why you use it. There are many quality brush and toothpaste available in the market. Why do you prefer it? Then Doctor briefed him about the Sunnah of the Holy prophet told him everything. His discussion, doctor thought that in the period of the Holy prophet ﷺ. There was no lab, no x-ray machine how could He (Holy prophet), told the benefits of Meswakk. The said doctor was not Muslim. He got the paste of Maswak and checked it from laboratory test. 01 think I want to tell you that when teeth feel cold or hot there actually the natural fluoride is finished from teeth’s. If you go to a doctor, doctor will recommend you a special tooth paste which is which in fluoride so that your teeth may get healthy , so this doctor go a paste of Mesawak and get it to the Laboratory for test next day. The doctor said to the Muslim doctor that weather I do the meswak or not but one thing I can say surely that your Holy Prophet ﷺ was really the true Messenger of Allah Because the Holy prophet had not laboratory but the told thet Meswak is too good for your teeth’s. I got this measwak for laboratory test and I came to know that it has natural fluoride in it which makes the teeth healthy, this doctor accepted Islam due to Meswak.


Our Pathan brother takes too much tea. Some went to America; there in a park they led the fire to make tea. American Patrolling police come there and asked what you are doing here. It is very dangerous park can be on fire. They fined 11 dollars per person. They became worried from where to arrange that much amount. They asked from Ameer Sahib what to do. He replied let do ablution and meswak and performed 02 rakat nawafil and prays from Allah. While they were doing Meswak, meanwhile another patrolling police whom was to receive the find reached there. They saw that what fine they paid, they are so poor that they are cleaning their teeth’s from wood instead of tooth paste. They said we pardon you.


Goodness for thousand years: Seventy thousands angels write good deeds for he who recites جَزَى اللهُ عَنِّا مُحَمَّدً مَا هُوَا اَهْلُه’for one time, Insha Allah. The reward jumps to seventy times during the holy month of Ramadan.





… is best, doing it regularly keeps the blood pressure normal.

Freshness & Fitness:

Here is a prescription for people who sleep excessive feel tiredness and sleepy. Take one glass milk, add two pieces of fig and ten pieces of zarshak make all them hot. Then eat fig and zarshak and drink milk. You will wake up fresh, Insha Allah. It is useful for those who have complaint of pain in their legs or in body.

Dental Problems:

Hazrat Hakeem Sahib wrote in Ubqari Magazine that toothpick should be used then use Miswak and chew a bit of fennel in a way that water runs throughout the teeth. Then either swallow it or spit. You can eat your meal now. You will neither face the cavity in teeth for rest of life and nor problem of cold and hot, Insha Allah. I have tested it, Alhamdulillah.

Kidney Stone:

Wet fenugreek seed which is also used in pickle for whole night. Swallow without chewing in the morning using same water. There will be no more stone after three days, Insha Allah.


Reddish Face:

Sometime due to problem in liver face looks yellowish. One of my friends from Kohat told me that he got his face yellowish since last forty years. There was no reddishness on the face. He recommended to wet two pieces of fig in grape vinegar in the night and eats in the morning with empty stomach. Do it for forty days and make your face like a rose. I have recommended to several friends and have tested it by myself and found it useful, Alhamdulillah. Liver produce significant blood.

Foot Fingers Getting Spoiled:

Some people face the problem of fingers spoiling during winter. Grind acacia flowers and apply this powder between the fingers. It works. Moreover keeping the sand, which is hot by sunlight, between the fingers also useful for this problem?

Alkanet Root is best for Ears:

Mix alkanet root in mustard oil and make it hot. It’s useful for ear pain and flowing ears.

Constipation Treatment:

Methray and small cardamom is useful for constipation. Take both of them in equal weight, grind and take one table spoon. Take it for three times after the meal. It is very useful.

Starch Pudding and Internal Injury:

Make starch pudding (halwa) in pure ghee, it is useful for internal injuries. People of rural area know it very well. This pudding is also fed to newly become mothers.

A Tested Tip for Obesity:

Take cinnamon, clove and green cardamom equal weight and grind. Mix one pinch, in one cup water and boil in the evening. Drink it when it turns cold. It heals against obesity and guaranteed treatment of constipation. Don’t drink water after it. Take it for one time in summer and two times in winter. It is useful for muscles problems, arthritis and certain problems.

Hair Fall Problem:

Simply stop using shampoo or conditioner and use soap and massage of oil and see the result.

I would use Shampoo:

Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! I would use shampoo and conditioner and had got my hairs ruined. I visited the doctor in the age of seventeen or eighteen; he revealed that original goods are not available in Pakistan and therefore recommended me to use the imported stuff. I have several relatives abroad. I arranged several products from Dubai and used for three to four years but all efforts in vain. When I met you and I acted on advice of stop using shampoo and using simple soap. It worked. Then I realized that hair problem was mainly due to use of shampoo and conditioner. There was permanent noise in my head. I am a software engineer; I have to watch the screen for most of the time. It effects on my eyes. I had already heard about drawbacks of shampoo but did pay heed until I met you and realized the fact. Then I kicked out shampoo from my life and used soap only. Now it has taken one year, there is no hair fall. Secondly, I tried Ubqari hair oil and have got hair grown, even last time I had to clean my head, Alhamdulillah.

Features of Cardamom and Methray:

Honorable Shaikh ul Wazaif, Assalam Aleykum! I prepared this prescription as I learnt it from your lecture (dars). This has not only fixed my stomach problem but also has healed the body pain caused by daily hard working. It also improved my digestive system and matrimonial life. Here is the prescription. Take small cardamom seeds and methray equal weight and take one tea spoon each in the morning and evening.

Spiritual Perfume

Those who have financial problems must use it. Pious jinn protect and pray for he who use spiritual perfume. He also get closer to  pious people of Allah. It helps to earn honor in the world, bring concentration in the pray. It is treatment of several chronical diseases. Rewards peace and heal to patients. Price: Rs. 240 Excluding Postal Charges

Bister Peeshab Shifa (Bed Wetting Treatment)

Ubqari Dawakhana presents treatment after research for the years.

Sudden release of urine cause embarrassing. Frequently urinating or bed wetting is a serious problem, but not now. Mothers are not required to change the bed sheets through the night. This treatment also helped those mothers. Price: Rs. 120 Excluding Postal Charges


Increase in prestige: If someone remained patient against any tyranny, ALLAH will increase his prestige for him (in this world or hereafter or in both).





It’s useful for infertility as well: Respected Sheikh Ul wazaif! Your dars was in murree and you gave us this remedy, we came in the car. Our driver said that we will meet you but I told him it’s not possible and told him to whatever question he has he should keep in his heart and he will get the answer in the dars itself. He did not have any child. You mentioned in your Murree dars that use fenugreek seeds and small cardamom in equal weight and this driver used the same. ALLAH bestowed him with children. During this one person stood up and said: in 2013 I heard about this remedy in your dars and I used it and also my family these are the benefits we got from it: first of all I got strength in the body, stop erectile dysfunction and make your body active. Improve the memory. There are some other benefits as well, Lower back pain in females, joint pain, disk pains in male and female, muscle pains and other female related issue. It’s very useful and beneficial remedy for all these issues. ھو الشافی:  grind green small cardamom and fenugreek seeds equal in weight, take 1, half or 1 third spoon 1,2,3 or even 4 times in a day with water or milk.


My wife’s breath problem was solved: My wife had breath problem and the sound was like whistle whenever she used to breath and this was going on since many years. I started to make hot drinks from fenugreek seeds, after using it she coughed out long lung shaped phlegm. Whatever phlegm was inside, after using this drink start to come out. Her breath problem was so swear that we used to face lot of problem while traveling and taking breath in summer this drink made our life easy and there was no problem in taking the breath at all. I read about this remedy in Shaikhul Wazaif’s book “Treasure of My Herbal secrets”. I also used this remedy for piles disease, it’s very useful as I was facing this issue myself and got cured in few days.

Satisfactory treatment of bad breath: Aslamalaikum! Some people have bad breath problem due to stomach issues. It’s so swear that they cannot sit with somebody and speak, it makes the other person very uncomfortable. If you keep small cardamom in your mouth it will give good smell from your mouth and the next person will also listen to you with comfort. Your stomach smell will also not come out of your mouth.

Easy remedy for treatment of anemia: some people are affected with anemia, they are told to use this medicine or that, there are many medicines or remedies to cure anemia disease. But I think that the remedies given by other people may benefit for some days but not for long. The reason is that first of all you should know why you have this deficit in your body. There are 2 types of people in the world, this is not a disease in itself, in some people whatever they eat their stomach suck the iron from the food and for others their stomach does not do it. This is not a disease but a condition like some people have thick and long hears and others have thin and short. So for those who get anemia should take five garlic peace and add them in their curry after every three days. Do not eat it every day but after three days with this whatever food you will eat your stomach will suck the iron from it. This remedy is present in the medical books as well. I read about it many years ago in one of the book. Now the second thing! I went for Hajj 2 times and I observed that there are two million Hajjis present at one place but ALLAH has made Makkah’s environment so clean and pious that when the jamah stand up for salah I did not hear anybody coughing. This is no less than a miracle. I am thinking since yesterday that here in Tasbih Khana there are at least three thousand men sitting, but at the time of salah when they stand there is nobody coughing. This shows that there is ALLAH’s blessing here. If you go to your village after this gathering then you will see in the Fajar salah that in the 2 or 3 rows there will be somebody coughing but here nobody is coughing. This means that ALLAH has made the environment here pious with the blessing of remembrance of ALLAH.

Saikhul Wazaif’s research on Shampoo and soap: The biggest harm according to science I will provide the example for it first. Whoever apply oil on the head also effect the body for sure. Let me give you a short example. When you apply antimony, that same antimony comes out through your spit and phlegm. Because the trend has changed now people do not put antimony in their eyes that’s why people do not understand this example. Whatever bam you use on your skin where does it go. There are artificial fragrances in the shampoo, does not matter how beautiful the case is, even if the fragrance remains in the toiled for 3 days. These artificial fragrances suck everything from the pores. That’s why since the shampoo came the use of eye glasses has increased, hair loss has also increased. I am telling you the scientific research, you can check on internet. Suicide tendency has increased, depression, anger, frustration, lack of patience has increased. Since shampoo came in males   

  Blood Pressure Shifa: For high blood pressure patients it’s made of herbal joshanda. High blood pressure is a killer disease that is increasing now a day very fast. People who do lot of sitting and mental stress work they are the prime target of this disease. Due to blood pressure there is continues head ack. Anger, tension, frustration, do not feel like doing any work, sleeking pattern is disturbed sometime the pain is in the complete head or sometime its migraine. Head is dizzy; you will feel like everything is moving in front of your eyes. Patient has to eat very expensive and high doze tablets for this. This makes the patient used to these high doze tablets. Ubqari’s product “Blood Pressure Shifa” is such a medicine that brings the blood pressure to a normal level. If the blood pressure is high it will normalize it and if it’s low even than it will normalize it. Its taste is very swear but its sweet in cure. Many such patients that used to eat lot of tablets for blood pressure even than there was no cure for them “Blood Pressure Shifa” has make them free of all type of tablets and cured their disease. This is made of pure herbal medicine’s joshanda. Without any chemicals or steroids. Its useful for all type of age groups, male or female. “Blood Pressure Shifa” gives you complete cure from your disease and make you free from all type of medicines. (Price is only 120 rupees excluding postal charges).

Do not be worried due to hot weather or hot waves!

Thandak Package, to everybody for all times, it keeps your heart, brain and liver very fresh. In summer season it’s like a cold shower of rain, it is useful for all the disease that comes in summer season due to heat. “Thandak Package” is a very unique, wonderful way of treating your diseases.

A wonderful packages that will keep you away from the doctors and Hakeems, if you have uric acid or very old depression use this once. Price is only 500 rupees excluding postal changes.


Wealth is not reduced rather increases with Barakah: Charity (Sadqah) does not reduce any Muslim’s wealth. (Rather Allah enhances it with Barakah)




He started doing vomits and motion. We took him immediately to the hospital. The doctors advised to take him to Sahiwal. We brought him to Sahiwal where they started giving treatment. His blood motions and vomits could not be controlled. I suddenly recalled that in one of the lactures (Dras), I heard about the practice of “Afahasibtum and Azaan” [Space for Arabic text], I performed ablution and started reciting this practice. I kept reciting for some time, while the pain in our elder’s stomach was over. Gradually his motions stopped to the extent that he got constipated. I continuously kept performing this practice for three or four days, due to this the doctors started treating his constipation. The method of performing the practice of “Afahasibtum and Azaan” [افحسبتم انما----]: Recite the last four Aayah of Surah Al-Mu’Minun [Space for Arabic text] and Azaan (call for prayer) seven times each and blow on your shoulders. This practice can be performed by imagining someone you want to blow on. Recite the practice and blow on the person you have imagined of, or blow on him if he is present. Moreover, the last four Aayah of Surah Al-Mu’Minun [افحسبتم----] and Azaan can also be blown in patient’s ears, after having recited seven times each. This practice can be performed many times a day. It’s an authentically tested treatment for all kinds of magic, jinni, domestic issues, business problems, diseases, children’s stubbornness and sorrows. Many people have got its benefits.

A hundred percent authentic practice! Will get what you want:

Respected Sheikh-ul-Wazaif, As Salam Alakium! I have a unique practice that I read in a Quranic Interpretation. It’s a spiritual practice. According to Hazrat Ali (رضی اللہ عنہا), recite the last ten Aayah of Surah Al- Hadeed one time and last ten Aayah of Surah Al- Hashr one time and supplicate for whatever you want, and it will be granted. This practice can even make the dead alive! It is written in the Tafseer “Ruh-al-Maani”. I myself supplicated by reciting it and Alhamdulillah, Allah accepted my prayer.

Supplication before entering the toilet opened doors for sustenance:

Respected Hazrat Hakim Sahib, As Slam Alaikum! Alhamdulillah, I’m spending this Ramadan in Tasbeeh Khana. Many of my problems are solved, and I’m feeling much healthier. I want to share an account. In one of your previous lectures, I heard about the miracles of supplication before entering the toilet. A friend of mine is a tailor. For the last three or four months, he was not getting any business. One night, while the entire family was sleeping, his young daughter screamed loudly. They all got up and ran to her bed and found that one of her finger bone was fractured. She said that someone suddenly broke her finger. The next day, he told me about all that. He used to tell me about his problem earlier as well. But now the problem was even more complicated. When he told me, I realized that it was some evil Satan’s deed. I asked him that he himself and the whole family should recite the supplication before entering the toilet in countless number, in sha Allah their problem will be solved.

While I was there, I helped him learn the supplication and he taught it to his family, they all started reciting it. Allah blessed him so greatly with His kindness that the next day, someone brought forty dresses for stitching saying that they were wedding dresses and also made payment in advance. My friend, who was starving with hunger, his eyes filled with the tears of gratitude and he thanked Allah getting so much work and advance money. Before this, there used to be small snakes coming out from their toilet and rooms. But now there are no snakes found in their house, since they have started reciting this supplication. I asked him to keep reciting it continuously. With Allah’s blessing, all his problems are solved. After this, neither they saw anything nor they faced any problem and they enjoy the sustenance that Allah is blessing them with.

Spiritual Protection wall that could not be demolished even with bomb: It’s a spiritual practice, “Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma `as-mihi shai`un fil-ardi wa la fis-sama `i wa Huwa`s Sami` Ul- `Alim” [بسم اللہ الذی لا یضر مع اسمہ شیء فی الارض و لا فی السماء و ھو السمیع العلیم]. By reciting this supplication three times in the morning and evening, Allah protects from disastrous calamities. It’s a tried practice; there was bomb blast at thirty to forty yards distance from me.i was surrounded by thirty to forty people, they were all killed and I was the only survivor. There was just a minor injury in my ear. Allah gave me a new life with the blessing of this supplication. And for this, I’m very thankful to Allah.

How I got the job, an exceptional story! Respected Sheikh-ul-Wazaif, As Salam Alaikum! It’s an old story; I’m sharing it to benefit thehumanity. It’s been a long time ago when I was only twenty years old. I passed my college and got my name entered for job in Jehlum. After one month, I received interview letter for anti-malaria officer’s job. I reached there a day before the interview because I had never seen Jehlum before. I went to a Masjid for offering Ishaa prayer, when I finished the prayer, it started raining heavily. The only dress I had was the one that I was wearing. I had a shawl; I took it upon myself and lay down. I thought that I will leave as the rain would be over. While I was lying, I thought of telling Allah about my domestic conditions and that what I had to face if I could not get that job. I told Allah that my grandfather was the richest person of the village. He made his son an MBBS doctor but he died. His second son (my father) did BA but he died due to tuber clauses. Now our condition is that I hardly paid fare to reach Jehlum. We will become beggars if I could not get this job. The land that we own is so small that we get only a little amount of rice and wheat. My grandfather has become so old that he cannot do job, so I should get this job. O Allah! Bless me. While talking to Allah, I slept. I saw in my dream that I was sitting in a room, there was table in front of me. There was a window on my right side and another window before me, where there was a bench for people to sit. And I was looking at the door on my left side with full attention. Just then, someone hit my foot and asked me to get up for Tahajud prayer. I got up, performed ablution and offered Tahajud prayer. In the morning when I went there for interview, there were eleven people except me. I was the youngest of them all. They were in service for five to six years. One of them came from Quetta who belonged to Jehlum and wanted to get job near his home…


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And All of them were saying that to me why you come here. This job /profession are not considered good. You should try for government job. But I thought that I have hardly reached, I must check at least what happen in the interview.  Anyhow after interview they announce that all people sit outside and wait. We should announce at 01.00 clock.  When the clock strike 01 .00 clock, clerk came to me directly and said that I elected any how I was so much pleased. Everybody there said to me, you are a mean person and you got this job through intercession and we also got experience of 05-06 years. Whereas you are fresh graduate. This is not fair and everyone is involved here. All the officers here are dishonest. I got a side when peon took me to the Municipal Committee office and told to the head clerk this is his appointment letter he is appointed as Anti Maria Officer. They appreciated me and and open the door of my office. When I entered this room and sat on the chair then I was amazed /astonished that it was the same room which I dreamt. Chair is the same and on one side a window opened and other it is in front of it and my hearts told me this decision was made by my Allah , Not by District Officer.

Cash reward for Talking to Allah:   And same like this event happened with me when I went to England for an interview and there were 11 candidates and 12th one was mine .I Prayed to Allah that all there are more educated to me. Some Hindus were there and English man were 02 or 03. Jobs requirement was a person who can speak more languages other than English. I said Ya Allah! This is my first competition. I am not willing to accept my defeat from Hindus because they got degree from Delhi University and where as I do not have degree. Any How when I entered the room there were 04 person. Among them 2 were Doctors, 01 was Administrator and 01 was Chief Accountant. On those days Pakistani were also hatred there because a girl died due to Chicken Pox. The doctor who cured that girl also died due to that disease. Even the nurse who looked after that girl also died due to this deadly disease. Doctors also refused to distribute the letters among Pakistani by saying that it is virus infected we would not distribute it. In interview they also asked me about small pix. Any how this is my subject and I gave them my answer. But I also informed then that I came here just 02 month before and my English is weak and feel problem while explaining my answer. But they said, you don’t worry please continue we understand it. Whatever they asked I answered them. They said Start your work now and I thought when I prayed from Allah He bestowed his blessing on me and make me conqueror.

A proven Wazifa for Employment:

  اللھم اکفنی بحاللک عن حرامک و اغننی بفضلک عمن سواک”. Recite this dua 90 times daily. The Unemployment person by the grace and blessing of Allah will get employment with in 90days. (INSHALLAH)

Respected Sheikh Ul Wazaif, I was unemployed and I heard about this prayer and its benefits in your lectures. I started to recite the said prayer. I just completed my 60 days and I got the job .I also told this prayer to all my unemployed friends and they also got job by reciting this Dua. In addition to it, I knew unemployed father and son and told them about this Dua. They started this prayer and within 50 days both of them got the employment. Now they are very happy and pray for you Hazrat Sahib.

Proven Spiritual Cure from the Effects of Evil Eyes: 

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalm u Alikum.  This is the proved spiritual remedy/cure for evil eyes. If a Child or adult become the victim of evil eyes and it is sure that they are the victim of Evil eyes from their parents, brothers, sisters, relatives etc then its solution is that victim of Evil eyes should ablution and with its water take bath Evil eyes effect will be vanished. With the water of ablution that effected child or person should be given bath. To know whom eyes are effecting us. Take a half bucket of water. If it is a small Chile then elder will do this act of if the adult is effected he himself can do this act. He should dip his hands and recite Darood –e-pak 7times along with 7 times Surah Fateh, 7times Ayat – ul – Kursi, and at last 07 time last 04 Qul. Hands penetrated in water and recite continuously. After it take bath for 21 days with this water, the effects of Evil eye will be finished. (INSHALLAH)

22 Proven Secrets of Sound Sleep:

Majlis Majzoobi is conducted in Ramzan ul Mubarak after the Taraveeh Prayer. Sheikh ul Wazaif, Hazrat Hakeem Sahib listened the experiences from different citizens about their experiments how they have sound sleep. People explained their experience and observation of sound sleep which is being shared here for readers.

  1. 1.      At Night before sleep, rub “Mustard oil” on the edge of feet’s for at least 01 minutes which relaxed and make your sleep sound and comfort. In addition to it this tip is also best proven remedy for tension, depression, eye sight, weakness and pain in back bone but the it should be done regularly daily without any break. This is also called Foot reflexology.
  2. 2.      Another person told that recite 01 tasbeeh of “یا قھار“and do foot reflexology.
  3. 3.      Another person told that Recite Darood Pak countlessely it would cause a sound sleep or after ablution start reciting Quran and you will about to complete two rakoos and you will get nice sleep.
  4. 4.      Before sleeping   pray for all Muslim Ummah of Holy Prophet ﷺ, you will get sleep immediately. Put hand on your heart and recite “یا باعث یا نور”, and sleep immediately.
  5. 5.      Dear Hakeem Sahib, I used to listen your lessons on the internet through mobile and do not know how sleep come in to my eyes.
  6. 6.      I usually recite Tasbeeh of Darood Shareef and Astgafar, immediately sleep comes in my eyes.
  7. 7.       In night before sleep I started to talk with my Allah and told him about my feelings and conditions of my heart. While I am communicating with my Allah I got sound sleep.


Repentance from all sins: Who so ever recites fourth kalmia after compulsory prayers three times. Will receive sawab on each rakat this year. Reading on bed repents all sins.






8. Once I couldn’t sleep at all, I used to eat sleeping pills. I used to eat two tablets two hours before sleep and then eventually I couldn’t sleep with those. Then doctor prescribed me four capsules, two in the morning and two at night. I used to have presistant headache and had burning and secondly couldn’t sleep at all. I used to eat capsule around maghrib time and then was able to sleep around isha. Once somebody gave me ubqari magazine and then iIfound tasbeeh khana Lahore. Alhumdulilah now I attend all the dars. Now the sleep situation is such that i pray to Allah for reducing it. I can’t do much zikr like this because I sleep alot, O Allah reduce my sleep to 6 to 7 hours only.


9. If you perform ghusl/bath before going to bed it brings on sleep  and secondly if you feel embarrassed about your sins it also relaxes body brings on sleep. 10. Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab you once mentioned in a dars that if you recite (﷽) and ( الملک القدوس السلام) 7 times before eating food it’ll eliminate all abdominal diseases and brings alot of sleep. I asked many people to do this and they say even if somebody is beating drum around them they still sleep soundly.

10. If you are unable to sleep then recite ( یا حی یا قیوم برحمتک استغیث)  few times and make intention for all those who are unable to sleep in the entire ummah and pray for their peaceful sleep.

11. Whenever I am unable to sleep i recite tasbeehat e Fatima  and sleep immediately. Tasbeeh is as follow 33 times ( سبحان اللہ), 33 times (لحمد للہ) and 34 times ( اللہ اکبر).

12. I have nightmares once or twice in a month. I live in a hostel with other people because of my job, it scares them because during my nightmares I scream because of fear as if someone has buried me. I have spent 30 days here in tasbeeh khana and didn’t have one nightmare. I can sleep peacefully. If a person tire himself out with zikr or good deeds it also brings on sound peaceful sleep.

15. Before sleeping reciting اعوذ باللہ من الشیطن الرجیم ﷽ لا حول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ العلی العظیم )) 11 times for peaceful sleep. Also place your hand on your heart and recite ( یا باعث یا نور) 11 times it also brings peaceful sleep.

16. Perform wudhu/ ablution and recite ( رب اغفر و ارحم و انت خیر الرحمین) few times , it is my personal experience that it brings on real good sleep.

17. Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab it happens alot of times that I am unable to sleep and keep switching sides. And then I remembered I haven’t recited bait tasbeehat as soon as I do them I am able to sleep peacefully.

18. Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib I recite a tasbeeh of durood and sleep peacefully.

19. I spent my last ramazan in tasbeeh khana Lahore, there an elderly person said he was unable to sleep for 32 years, he didn’t know what a peaceful sleep was.  He said when he came in tasbeeh khana he found out about ( افحسبتم) and azan amal. I started doing that amal and now Alhumdulilah I sleep so well.

20. When I was in home I was unable to sleep, now I have come to spend ramazan in tasbeeh khana, I am fasting all day long and able to sleep well during the night.

21. Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib you came to give dars in Hyderabad, you told an ayat ( فضربنا علی اذانھم فی الکھف)  for different issues like magic, jinn, business issues  and domestic issues etc, reciting this ayat brings a really good sleep. Recite this ayat numerous times in a day with your desired issue in mind for few days, weeks or months till the issue are resolved.

22. Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib before going to sleep, reciting prayer for going to bed ( اللھم باسمک اموت و احیا) will bring a really good sleep. From my experience whenever I start reciting surah al kahf  I start to get sleepy before even finishing it.

Benefits we got from spending ramazan in tabeeh khana:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib I used to be very short tempered, I couldn’t control it among my friends and family.  I tried to read ( اعوذ باللہ من الشیطن الرجیم) many times and many other wazaif for this but was unable to control it. I had heard about tasbeeh khana  i came here to get rid of my sins and spent entire month of ramazan here. Alhumdulilah I started doing amal here and feel better alot. Alhumdulilah.

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Completion of Islam: Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said that “your completion of Islam is that you should pay zakat”





12 years of restlessness finished: 

For the past 10 to 12 years I was very restless  I had no peace at home or outside of it. I didn’t feel like eating food and couldn’t sleep at night. When I came here Alhumdulilah I got rid of my problem and I eat food so much so that.


Faith is unacceptable: Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ said that oh Muslims! Save your wealth from being wasted by giving zakat, whoever does not give zakat of his wealth, his faith is not acceptable.






.....to sit and to sit with tolerance' this is that you must remain doing what you are doing vigorously and even when you feel tired you must not stop. If there is any hindrance even then do not stop and the second thing is that you bear through these hindrances. If you do so then inshallah Allah Almighty will grant you and me the destination we want. 7. And after this I learned about the manners and workings of a joint dinner from here. In society if there is a wedding or a good work is being done or if there is anything going on than all of you are witnesses to the fact that how quickly chaos spreads. There is no respect between one another and there is no care for the rizq but here when there is a joint dinner there is not even a speck of anything found on the floor mats and neither is there any sort of arguments or snatching of food. Everyone sits together lovingly and share one plate without criticizing the contents of the plate. They eat whatever is in front of them without causing a ruckus to eat what they want. I pray that the lesson we have learned from here we are given the opportunity to apply in our lives when there is a wedding or any other sort of gathering and it happens that Allah Almighty spreads this over the entire world. 8. After this what I learned was from here was discipline. The situation in our society is that if there is a line with 15 to 20 people going in a hospital or standing in a line to pay their bills then a brawl breaks out. The police has to be called and they have to lathi charge the people (hit them with sticks). Over here there are almost 1000 people and they sit together, stand together, go to dinner together, come back from dinner together, and perform wadu together with the feeling of love. The amount of discipline I am observing is worth seeing and also worth making an example of. May Allah Almighty accept this and give us the opportunity to make it even better. And after this I would like to present Hazrat sahab with something I learned here. When I first came here I was plagued with a lot of questions and I kept getting more questions in my head. I was worried that whenever I went to my place at night I would have 2-3 more questions every 8-10 minutes or 15-20 minutes. The next day I would find all the answers in the Fajr dars. This left me baffled and I was bewildered that how could they reach steps ahead of me. I never told them nor did I write to them. I had an incredible experience and I believe truly in the fact that whenever I mentioned something about preaching the next day the dars would be about Hijrat. Whenever there would be questions about purity the next day the questions would be answered in the dars based on the same topic. So I figured that if he is like this with me and answers all the questions that rise up in my brain then surely he is the same way with you. My entire day is spent with the happiness that I have to listen to the dars at night and my entire night is spent in the happiness that I have to listen to the dars in the morning. This is how my entire week passed by. One more thing I learned about another religion was that it involved Muraqba and my favourite was that in India there was a Muraqba centre. I used to follow them and also believed them to be good so I thought that is there anything similar to it in Islam. When I came here I found out that in Islam Muraqba was discovered even before then other religions. It was something that Hazrat sahab made us practice day and night. I too learned how to do Muraqba when I came here. Hazrat sahab told us: The Prophet ﷺ used to perform the same Muraqba in the cave of Hira. He used to concentrate and think deeply. So these were the things that I wanted to tell you. (Kauf, Bakhar).

What did I not get from the Tasbeeh Khana? :
Sheikh Al Wazaif, Aslam-o-alaikum! You asked that what you received from the Tasbeeh Khana. What did I not receive from the Tasbeeh Khana? I received those things that I would need in this world and in the Hereafter. I received concern for mankind, how to bow down, how to bear things and also received spiritual and physical blessing. I learned how to ask from Allah Almighty. I learned the sweetness of talking to Allah Almighty, learned to loose myself while praying, began to pray for others, learned to be humble and learned to respect the lawful and unlawful things. I learned to forgive others and also have concern for them' for the leaders if our country, for the army, for the police, for the rangers' I learned to pray for them. I find it scary to even walk on the earth. I place my foot lightly on it so it does not hurt the ground. I have been coming to Hazrat sahab since 2003. I came here with a lot of courage. Firstly the Tasbeeh Khana has granted me, my mother and my entire family with a lot of blessings. At night, day or night when I am going to work on my bike, I especially pray for the Tasbeeh Khana, Rohani Manzil, Darood Mahal, Dar-ul-Taubah, Hajwari Mahal and Hazrat sahab may the time be in the morning or at midnight. The struggle is to be able to see Hazrat sahab. I strongly struggle to meet Hazrat sahab on the way or find him coming from an alley. Allah Almighty somehow manages to let us meet.

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Our months:











Teera Teeza




12 wafatah












Baya Khali
















Eid walah


Zi Qaada




Zul Hajj


Baqar Eid




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….so it means that Allah Almighty’s mercy, benevolence and Hazrat Sahab’s special affection, lovingness and prayers made my son a Hafiz-e-Quran. My struggle was just this that my son and I may come to Hazrat Sahab in the Tasbeeh Khana. Hazrat Sahab may see him and bless him which is why my son became a Hafiz-e-Quran so early without any hindrances. There was no type of hindrance or worry. This happened due to coming to Hazrat Sahab’s Tasbeeh Khana and due to the loving gaze of Hazrat Sahab and his affection. After this my mother always prays for the Tasbeeh Khana and Hazrat Sahab. Just now we recited یا مسبب الاسباب سبب لی الخیر in the Tasbeeh Khana. Last Ramadan, for the construction of the Tasbeeh Khana, Hazrat Sahab made us all recite this dua extensively so when I used to comply with this I always prayed for the Tasbeeh Khana so, Hazrat Sahab, when the process of my house was going on (either selling or buying) I continued this tasbeeh. I am a civil servant and saving even Rs.500 or Rs.1000 is very difficult for me but due to Hazrat Sahab’s Allah Almighty’s mercy and coming to the Tasbeeh Khana’ Allah Almighty helped me build my house on which almost 20 lakh rupees were spent. I had no money, no source, nothing and Hazrat Sahab knew this. Of the things that Hazrat Sahab told me to recite, I also did the tasbeeh of Surah Al-Kausar and Musabab-ul-Asbab daily. I had no money and I came to Hazrat Sahab he insisted that I should keep my faith in Allah and remain attached to the Tasbeeh Khana. This advice helped me a lot as it helped to erect my house and it is that attachment with Tasbeeh Khana that everything was available which I had wished. Hazrat Sahab now advised me not to worry about my daughter’s marriage. Keep your affiliations intact with Tasbeeh Khana and inshallah you will get your objective. The attachment continued as after my office timings I spent most of my time at Tasbeeh Khana. Allah has blessed me with all the amenities of life. I pray that Tasbeeh Khana should flourish day and night and Allah provides everything to Tasbeeh Khana.

Tasbeeh Khana – a place with spiritual and worldly benefits:

Respected Hakeem Sahab, Assalam-o-Aliakum! I have come from Lodhran and only four days have passed however I have felt great lift in my spiritual and worldly benefits e.g. during Friday prayers I used to say prayers of two rakats only and remaining week I didn’t prayed at all. I seek forgiveness from Allah on this negigilence. Worldly benefits are that my spinal cord has improved. It was my family problem but now it has eliminated, I express my sincere gratitude on this blessing that he bestowed me such good feelings. Previously I used to have bad thoughts which cannot be expressed in words; my daughter was feeling very afraid whenever I was away however now she is ok and didn’t miss me. Now I can say my prayers wholeheartedly and my spinal cord is not giving me any hurdle in saying the prayers. I cannot express in words the blessings I have got. Now I hear the dars of Hakeem Sahab for four hours regularly on Thursday and say my taraweeh prayers easily. Best wishes to all with the request to prayers for my mother.

Tasbeeh Khana arrived’ life changed:

I have been acquainted with the Tasbeeh Khana since 2012. Before this I was deeply involved in doing bad deeds. Thank God I found Tasbeeh Khana and Allah Almighty bestowed a favour upon me for the first thing I learned was about the works of Satan and how he involves himself in our lives. There were some sins that we are not aware of; we pray namaz and do good deeds but we are not able to pin point these sins….

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